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KRA announces new dates for pre- filled VAT returns

The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has announced new dates for the implementation of pre- filled value- added tax (VAT) returns. In a statement, the taxman stated that the new policy would be implemented from February 2024 and not January 2024, as earlier directed. Initially, KRA had announced that the VAT return would be pre- filled with tax information available to…

15% Capital Gains Tax

The finance Act of 2022 amended the Income  Tax Act [ITA], by increasing the rate  of capital gains tax [CGT] from 5% to 15%. The tax took effect from 1st  January 2023. The capital Gains Tax [CGT] is a tax that applies to the sale or transfer of property located in Kenya that was acquired on or after January 2015.

15% withholding tax

Foreign traders who benefit from local-based derivative contracts will be subject to a 15% withholding tax starting in 2023. This will be imposed on any profits made from these contracts . A derives is a financial instrument that derives its value from an underlying asset, such as a currency, commodity, or security.

16% Value Added Tax

Multinational tech companies have also announced that they will begin applying a standard 16% Value Added Tax [VAT] on electronically supplied services such as streaming movies on Netflix or listening to music on Spotify , as the government looks to tap into the growing digital market in the country.

20% Excise Tax

First among the taxes is the 20% Excise Tax on transactions between mobile wallets and banks. Banks have already started charging the tax in addition to the reintroduction of fees on mobile-to-bank transactions and vice versa.

1% gross turnover minimum tax

The Kenya revenue Authority [KRA] has appealed to the supreme court to overturn a lower court ruling that blocked the implementation of a mandatory 1% gross turnover minimum tax. The minimum tax is a flat tax that applies to companies that have a turnover of less than sh5 million per year.